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周五 18:30




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为庆祝三月的国际妇女节,上海的一些领事馆和机构组织了一场电影节,由翔凤文化节策展,以彰显女性在各个领域取得的成绩。 这些影片来自不同的国家,展现不同文化背景下女性不屈的奋斗、成就和多样的人生。

In honor of International Women’s Day in March, with coordination of Baturu Festival, Consulates and institutes in Shanghai are holding a film festival to highlight in film the accomplishments of women. The films are from different countries, showing the struggles, accomplishments, and diverse lives of women in in various cultural contexts.

上海美国中心联合挪威驻上海总领事馆于3月17日周五晚6:30放映六部挪威短片, 主题包括性别平等,身份认知等。这些短片来自2021-2022年挪威Amandus电影节(13-20岁电影人)和Amandus Blikkfang电影节(20-26岁电影人)。所有影片导演皆为女性。

On the evening of Friday, March 17, the Shanghai American Center, together with the Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai, will screen six short films from Norway on the topics concerning identity and gender equality.  These are selected films from the Amandus Film Festival (for filmmakers aged 13-20 years old) and the Amandus Blikkfang festival (for filmmakers aged 20-26) from 2021 and 2022 in Norway.  All filmmakers are female directors.


The Consul General of Norway Lise Nordgaard will deliver opening remarks to the audience before the screening. Eivind Myklebost Nordengen, the film producer and program director at the Amandus Film Festival will join online with the audience after the screening and talk with invited Chinese speakers.


The films have Chinese subtitles. Snacks and drinks will be provided at the event.

去他妈的领养 / F*cking Adopted

导演 / Directed by Nora Nivedita Tvedt

纪录片/ Documentary, 2020

概要 / Synopsis:

Are you going to find your “real” parents? Therese and Nora have no plans on doing that. They are both adopted from India and came to Norway as babies but have never talked about adoption together. Nora invites Therese inside a box. Here they paint their skin white, teach each other to fight, and try to figure out why it’s so difficult to say out loud “I am adopted!”


美好的旅行 / Topp tur (“great trip”)

导演 / Directed by Sophia Aronsen

短片 / Short film, 2020

概要 / Synopsis:

A young couple is going on their first mountain hiking together, but will love prevail all the way to the top?


音乐机器 / The Music Machine

导演 / Directed by Frida Feline Nilsen

音乐片 / Music video, 2021

概要 / Synopsis:

Thea, aged 27, has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She can no longer tell the difference between reality and fantasy, living out a nightmare, having lost herself and the motivation to live.

Thea, 27岁,已经住进了精神病院。她以及该分不清现实和幻想,生活在混沌中,失去了自我和活下去的动力。

香蕉 / Banana

导演 / Directed by Una Solvik Golmen

纪录片/ Documentary, 2021

概要 / Synopsis:

On the one hand, this movie tells stories of young people's personal boundaries and sexuality, and when these boundaries were violated. On the other hand, you will experience the despair felt by director Una Golmen in her quest to get answers from responsible bureaucrats. Banana is a socially critical documentary setting bureaucracy up against the sexual health of young people.

一方面,这部电影讲述了年轻人的个人界限和性取向,以及这些界限何时可能被打破的故事。 另一方面,导演 Una Golmen 通过电影表达了向责任方寻求答案时所体验的绝望。 这是一部具有社会批判性的纪录片,批判官僚机构对年轻人性健康的不作为。

只有上帝知道 / God Knows

导演 / Directed by Mone Frogg ChrisIansen

短片 / Short film, 2022

概要 / Synopsis:

The dog - man's best friend. The promise of unconditional love. But what if your dog has problems of their own to deal with?

狗——人类最好的朋友。 它们给与人类无条件的爱的承诺。 但是,如果你的狗有自己的问题要处理呢?

不单是我 / Not just me

导演 / Directed by Agnes Kippersund Frogner

纪录片/ Documentary, 2022

概要 / Synopsis:

What do we put up with and why do we do it? "Not Just Me" is an interview-based short documentary where five young people and one adult share their thoughts and experiences regarding sexual harassment, unwanted comments and incidents.

我们忍受了什么,为什么要这样做? 这是一部以访谈为基础的短纪录片,其中五位年轻人和一位成年人分享了他们关于性骚扰、不受欢迎的评论和事件的经历与看法。


Masks are not currently required to attend Shanghai American Center events, but audience members are encouraged to feel comfortable wearing them if they wish. Please be sure to RSVP if you intend to come.  Programs begin on time and seats are subject to space availability. If the room is full when you arrive, you might not be granted entry, even if you RSVP'd. We can only seat the first 80 guests at this time.

Doors will open and security screening will commence 15 minutes before the program starts. You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Shanghai American Center (ShAC). Copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted.

All belongings carried into the ShAC will be scanned during security screening. While guests may not bring laptop computers to Shanghai American Center programs, portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted.

Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai Press Office. Additionally, audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.

All program participants grant the Shanghai American Center and the U.S. Department of State permission to publish, exhibit, edit, alter, copy, or distribute their likeness in a photograph in any and all publications for Government or non-government purposes, including website entries and any lawful purpose, without payment, approval, or any other consideration in perpetuity.

Staff of the ShAC reserve all rights to refuse entry.












上海美国中心 Shanghai American Center

上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称 ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分。 上海美国中心是您了解美国文化的窗口,就美国历史、政治、社会和文化等话题开设讲座、座谈、电影放映等形式的活动,邀请各领域的美中专家学者来和观众分享他们的经历。

地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室


如果你希望以邮件的形式收到将来活动的通知,请联系 ShanghaiIRC@state.gov。